E marketing is all about marketing your Company via an electronic medium. Coventry University like any business does not exempt itself from this practice. There exists several ways through which this University promotes itself electronically. These include:
· Coventry University Website
· Display screens in the University buildings
· Automatic machines at library
· Browser based communities such as Facebook etc
Through the university website like any other modern business website, the university promote their services/resources such as library facilities, student accommodation, career services, sport facilities etc
Also, the University has display screens in all their faculties and library. They use these screens to communicate to their students on every aspect related to the University. Worthy of note that these screens carry the University’s logo, name and signature tune. Therefore, anybody entering the faculties or library be it a student or visitor will be able to see the screen either from a distance or reading the information on the screen.
Similarly, automatic machines at the University library also have the brand logo on the screen for those either borrowing or returning books. Finally, Coventry University markets themselves via online communities with browser based sites such as Face book, My Space, Second life, You tube. (CU MySpace ,CU Second Life CU Youtube CU Facebook). The University has targeted these online resources available to advertise itself and build the brand image as people visit these sites on a regular basis.
‘Coventry University Website’ is the most important e-marketing resource for the university and here are some of the most important aspects of the website
Interactive website through dynamic layout
Coventry University has a well designed symmetrical and dynamic layout, as you enter on the home page. The information is presented in a tabular form with the use of graphics and links which slide through at we scroll over. The home page also includes buttons which present information of their function once you mouse over them. The dynamic aspect of the website makes is interactive and makes interesting to navigate and look through the contents displayed. The homepage communicates with the users and prompts you to click and read through the information.
Choice of Colours
The colours used are essentially blue/shades of blue and white. Blue is the main color used in the home page of the website. Blue is related to a cool and calming color (Grossman 1999). Color white is used for the fonts and for Coventry university logo. In general white symbolizes purity (Kreitler 1972). With the help of good color combination a person finds to use the website more friendlily and slowly brings a form of trust to the site (Kreitler 1972).
Use of Graphics/Pictures
The pictures used in the main page are students from different countries which helps a person to bring a relationship of unity in diversity feeling. All the pictures used are of students show them either busy with their work or smiling with a sense of achievement. This enforces the professionalism in student life and focuses on the achievements. Pictures of important structures associated with Coventry include a picture of Coventry university library, which is one of the best structures in whole of United Kingdom
Excellence in Functionality
Search Engine
One of the resources available for Coventry University’s website is a search engine and this is basically essential for any business website. A search engine allows Coventry University to fine tune their website so potential consumers (target market) can put in key phrases or words and find course details and other information that the consumers may want.
Quick Links
Secondly the quick links available are designed in a way that would help the users to get most of the information on the first page of the website, avoiding the hassles of navigating through the pages.
Communication is an aspect which every website needs and Coventry University has this on their website in various forms. The first is where current students can communicate using the University’s intranet option while the target market can simply email or phone the University on the given address and number.
The communication aspect should include visual, auditory and digital auditory aspects. These aspects help a website become more appealing and Coventry University have the visual aspects with pictures of the University to help promote the University to the target market. All visual pictures are to do with the University and are aiming to create a picture of what its like being at the University for the consumers. The website has all the information and criteria needed for the consumer to make their decision if they want to come to Coventry University or not and if they require more information then there is contact details available.
Latest Events and news
The website also includes information about latest happenings by providing events calendar on the home page. An option called CU TV is available to watch videos regarding the University. The present video showcases a function which launched a book on Coventry through a creative execution using black and white video and information snippets highlighting the fact that Coventry University has been in education business since 1843.
The website is functionally very professional and flawless. However it provides redundant information at some instances. For example, the ‘CU YouTube’ link and the ‘CUTV’ button take the user to the same video.
Active participation on Social Networks
Coventry University has formed a community on social network like MySpace and Facebook. Lot of information is provided in the form of latest events and photos of the University. The Social networks provide a platform where people can join the community and share information, indirectly promoting the University as a brand.
Improving on the website
The website homepage can be improved upon by providing a section for current student and ex-students experience to share their Coventry University experience. This can be done using a blog section or testimonial videos. It would enhance the interactivity and give the website a voice in the form of students to communicate with the potential students.
Effective use of display screens
The display screens are used to provide world news and act as a notice board for the students. Videos regarding university events and information on the Coventry website should be provided which would help to promote the University to visitors.
Using Mobile technology
It should be optional for students to get information about university events and notices as messages on their mobile handsets. This would ensure a constant communication during vacations when students are not linked to the Universities. Alumni students can be also reached through the mobile facility.
Grossman, R. and Wisenblit, J. (1999) ‘What we know about consumer’s color choices.’ Journal of Marketing Practice 5, (3) 78-88
Kreitler, H. and Kreitler, S. (1972), Psychology of the Arts, Duke University Press, Durham, NC.